When deciding to sell your property you will need to make sure that you have your Energy Performance Certificates in place, before getting your Estate Agents to put the property on to the open market for sale. Read on to find out how you may purchase your (EPC).

             How to get an Energy Performance Certificate

Domestic appliances carry energy ratings the charts that show the energy efficiency form A to G. Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) will provide a graphical documentation of how energy efficient the property actually is, the certificate will give full rating of the energy efficiency and also the carbon emissions of the building from A to G with letter A being the most efficient and G is very inefficient. Most buildings meeting the requirements of UK Building Regulations will be a B/C rating.

Depending on the circumstances will depend on the person authorized to produce the (EPC) they will have to be fully qualified to be able to give you a (EPC).epc1

These people are likely to be the

  • Builder if the property is a new construction
  • Landlord for rented properties
  • Owner when they are selling or sold a property

If your building is seperated into

  • Rooms
  • Flats
  • Apartments

Then you will need to purchase a (ECP) for each room, flat or apartment, especially if they each have their own heating systems, front entrance, bathroom and kitchen facilities. However if the bathroom and kitchen facility is a shared area then the property as whole is classed as being sufficient.

An (EPC) can tell you ways in which the energy efficiency can be really improved, making your household bills much lower and reducing your carbon emissions. If the property is in a great energy rating this can be use to advertise your property adding value.

Even if your not selling the property, having a (EPC) will provide valuable info when helping to decrease the running cost of your home.

You can arrange to have your property assessed by a accredited energy assessor by registering online (Energy Performace Certificate). An assessment should roughly cost around £100. We will recommend checking that you have the right deal by making sure your chosen assessor is a member of the accreditation Scheme.


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