How to take a Door off its Hinges
When learning how to take a door off its hinges you will see how simple a task this is to complete, you will need to make sure that you have a plan of where you will put the door once it has been taken off its hinges, you will also need a flat or star headed screwdriver. If the screws are very tight and hard to turn you may want to use a power drill with the screw point attached, this will allow for the screws to come lose with least effort.
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The best solution when it comes to finding out how to take a door off its hinges
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]When learning how to take a door off its hinges and you are on your own its always best to start from the bottom hinges of the door first, this is so that the weight of the door doesn’t fall on top of you if you were to start from the top of the door to the bottom.
[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]Now we can start taking the door off, if the hinges and screws are rusty use WD40 to help loosen the screws and the hinges. You will need a screw driver most screws in the hinges will need a flat headed screwdriver, there will be 3-4 screws holding each hinge to the door frame.

How to take a door off its hinges
[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]Turn the screws anticlockwise until all the screws are out from the bottom hinge.
[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]Half way up the door you will have another set of hinges repeat the same process as with the bottom hinge remember to turn anticlockwise.
[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]Once this has been done you will only have the top hinge and screws to do, the door will be unattached at the bottom, keep it straight and in line with the door frame to avoid damaging the top hinges.
[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]This is the part you have to be careful and take extra care, it will be safer if you wedge some old books underneath the door before taking the top hinges and screws out, this is done so that the weight off the door doesn’t fall when you take the last few screw out. Take the top hinges and screws out turning all screws anticlockwise when the last screw is out the door will come free and you will be able to paint or replace as you wish.