Practical advice for preparing your pets when moving home in Warsop, Nottinghamshire

The trick to preparing your pets when moving home in Warsop, Nottinghamshire  is to minimize your pets house moving stress. Moving home is always a stressful time but even more so for your pets who do not understand what is going on.

[iconbox title=”Familiarize the area” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]Make sure your pet has all its favorite toys and bedding and, once you have moved, don’t wash its bedding for a little while, so that it has some familiar smells to go with the unfamiliar, new ones. If your pet is not used to travelling in a carrier, put the carrier in its living area for a few days before you go so it becomes more familiar to your pet.[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”Packing time” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]It may be best for your pet if it is confined to one room during the packing stage: allowing it the run of your home when there is so much upheaval might make it even more anxious. Conversely, animals can sense something is happening and might be tempted to run and hide in a favorite spot in the garden or at a neighbour’s.[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”The Day of your move” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]When preparing your pets when moving home in Warosp bear in mind that on the day of moving home with your pets in Nottingham, do not feed your pet for at least three hours before leaving the house. This will help with any unpleasant accidents in the carrier during the move!If you’re really concerned about your pet during all the disruption of packing up your home, you could consider putting it into a kennel or cattery for a few days[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”After the move” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]Both dogs and cats may try to return to their original home following moving home with your pets in Nottingham. To prevent that happening, it may be necessary to keep them inside, or under supervision if outside, for a few weeks once you’re in your new home. It’s probably best not to let them go outside unaccompanied for at least a week, and at the very least, make sure they are wearing an up-to-date identity collar with your name and new address and phone number on. If your cat doesn’t protest too much, putting it on a specially designed cat lead while it gets to know its new outdoor surroundings is a good idea.[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”Stick to a routine” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]Pets like familiar routines, so try to stick to your normal routine for as long as possible in the lead-up to the move and then get back into it as quickly as you can in your new home, especially in terms of when they are fed and/or taken for a walk.[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”Keep an eye on them” title_align=”center” content_align=”center” layout=”boxed” border=”#f48a00″ title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”center” type=”custom” icon=”” icon_align_to=”box” size=”48″ ]Dogs and cats (in particular) are territorial animals and moving into a new home will require your cat to mark out its territory. This can lead to conflict with other cats, which, for the most part, you should probably allow to take place. If you think your cat is getting into fights, check it on a regular basis for wounds.[/iconbox]

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 Following these helpful steps will help make preparing your pets when moving home in Warsop, Nottinghamshire a much more enjoyable experience.


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