Warwickshire Movers – Find the best tips on buying a new build property when moving home in Leamington Warwickshire
Thinking of buying a new build property when moving home in Leamington Warwickshire, the following tips will help to ensure the correct measures are taken before stepping into your new build home.
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Advice on buying a new build property when moving home in Leamington Warwickshire, here are a few tips
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Research your property developer on the internet or speak to friends, family and colleagues, take a trip down to their to their site and ask to see the other properties within that development. Check properties with that the developer has previously sold. Try to speak to the home owner about how they find living within the properties, to give yourself some idea of what the properties can be like to live in.
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Make formal checks, to ensure the new build property will have warranty. You can check if your home has warranty by contacting NHBC or Zurich Municipal, home warranty insurance companies. These insurance companies act on behalf of the developer. Some companies that build, new build properties , such as Barratt homes will offer 5 years warranty on fixtures and fittings, on top of your additional 10 years warranty from companies like the NHBC.
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Check if any of the plots you in tend to buy your new build home, will be managed or bought by housing associations or local council, this is something your developer may try to cover up, gathering this information is vital, after all buying a new build home is a massive purchase and you only get one chance to get things right.
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Be sure to cover your new home, buy purchasing yourself some home and contents insurance. This will help to reassure your mind that your home and contents are covered in the likely hood of a flood or your home being damaged by a fallen tree. Your home and contents insurance will also help in the likely hood that legal action is taken against your developers.
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If you are covered under the NHBC your new build developer will be liable for any defects or faults caused by the developers errors. Check your property every 4 months, over a 3 year period, for defects that you can notify to your developer to put right.
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Before you actually move in to the new build property, have the property inspected by a third-party, nothing to do with your developers. The inspection will notify you of the foundations and the internal structure of the property. Knowing this information can be a real life saver, giving you the structural knowledge of the property before monies are exchanged and you have moved in.
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Book your house removal company in advanced. Request a free no obligation home survey and free quotation. Booking your move in advance will help you to save, budget and prepare the other tasks involved when moving home, like setting up tv, phone and broadband connections for your new home.
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Planning on moving home? Need the help and support of a professional moving company? Why not get in touch with our fast, friendly and professional team by calling 0800 0025 543
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