The Essential Guide to Buying or Selling your home in Leicester
Buying or Selling your home in Leicester can be a very stressful and time consuming task. MnM Removals has put together an essential guide to buying or selling your home in Leicester.
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Common questions regarding buying or selling your home in Leicester
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What to do once i find a buyer?
Once you have found a buyer there are 5 steps as a seller that you must take:
1. As the seller it is your responsibility to provide an up to date EPC (energy performance certificate )
2. If you are using an estate agents, any potential buyers must go through them
3. Once you accept an offer it is your responsibility to draw up all legal contacts.
4. No offer will be legally binding until contracts are exchanged
5. Depending on the value of the property you may be eligible to pay Stamp Duty Land Tax
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What to do when you have found a home to buy?
As the purchaser of a new home you will be required to do the following:
1. Once you have found a home you like you can put in an offer. Many potential buyers put in offers below the asking price, this leaves room for negotiation. If your offer is accepted, ask the agents to take the property off the market.
2. Now is the time to contact a Mortgage Broker or Lender to set up your Mortgage application. At this stage you will be required to provide alot of paperwork regarding in-comings and outgoings etc.
3. Once your mortgage has been agreed the lender should set up a surveyor to value the property. a good surveyor will discuss any issues or concerns that you may have before the survey then report back and explain any findings. Once you are satisfied with the survey you can take the next steps towards exchanging contract.
4. The next important step when buying or selling your home in Leicester is to book a removal firm. Asking friends and family for recommendations is always a good idea. Try to get a fixed rate removal and not an hourly rate service that can end up expensive.
5. This is the day you have been waiting for. As soon as your sale is complete your solicitors will inform you and you can now pick up the keys to your new home. This is usually done on the day you move.
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How long does it take?
How long it takes to buy or sell your home will vary dramatically depending on many factors. You could be lucky enough to put your home on the market and have a buyer interested on the same day. You may be hoping to buy a new home and see a house you like immediately, alternatively you could be looking for months maybe even years for the home of your dreams.
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