First Time Home Movers in Nottinghamshire


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23 Jun, 2013

Helpful Advice for First Time Home Movers Moving House in Nottinghamshire

Moving house for the first time in Nottinghamshire, find the perfect guide for first time home movers. Here at MnM Removals we understand that it can be a challenging and daunting experience for first time home movers so we have prepared this article to ensure you have a stress free move into your first home.


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Great Tips & Advice When Moving House For The First Time in Nottinghamshire

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Don’t be afraid to ask for help

As first time movers you have never moved before, and are unsure of what your move will be like or what to expect on your moving day. So the best thing to do is seek advice from a professional or ask friends and family that have previously moved home. You may wish to ask important questions about the packing of your belongings, things you may want to bring with you, or just cleaning tips, an experienced house removals company can give you the important information you need.

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Don’t over stock

If you have never lived alone before you may find it hard to judge the amount of food you will consume, especially when you have lived with your family. So when moving to your new home don’t stock the cupboards and fridge full of food as most of  it could be ruined if not consumed by the sell by date. For at least the first month buy what you need only for a few days. By the end of the month you’ll be able to estimate the right amount of food that you will need on a weekly basis.

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First time movers

First time movers

Essentials checklist

Parents and family members are excellent sources for unwanted essentials and items such as:

Bed sheets/towels
Pots and pan’s
Curtains, furniture etc

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Buying household furniture 

Also try looking in second-hand shop’s for larger items of furniture. Although these places will not appeal to some, you can purchase very nice and cheaper items for the time being and then replace them later. Try to buy as much as possible before you move in, that way you are not stuck without anything.

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Set up utility (bills) and accounts for water, gas and electricity

You can often pick up the previous tenants accounts, for this you will need to ask your landlord. Otherwise you will need to contact your chosen supplier and supply them with your meter reading and other details.

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 Be sure you can afford to pay your mortgage & bills once you move

Ensure that your employment is secure and that you’ll have enough money to live comfortably and not struggle to pay rent, utilities, food, gas for your car, and insurance. Living paycheck to paycheck is neither easy nor fun.

If you have just left home your parents may have made it look easy to provide for you….but it isn’t easy. 65% of kids that move out end up back home within 3 months. Make sure you are ready to make the move in case your parents don’t let you move back in. Don’t leave your home on a bad note,  talk to your patents and work out any problems before you leave.

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Plan a budget

Plan a budget

Don’t worry

It is quiet normal to feel tired after you’ve moved in, what with all the packing, cleaning, shopping and organizing and then going to sleep at a late hour.  Once you’ve really settled in and have everything cleaned and under control, you should get your energy back again

If you require any removal services with MnM Removals please don’t hesitate to see how we may be able to help you with your moving home for the first time experience. We have a FREE excellent 24 hour customer service phone-line, with kind and polite staff waiting your call.

To get a rough estimate of what removal companies can cost Click Here

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Book your move in advanced and receive a 10% discount. Ask our friendly staff for further details.


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