Household and Office Storage in Leicester|Leicestershire

Household and Office Storage in Leicester|Leicestershire

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30 Jan, 2014

If you are searching for the perfect place to store your most precious furniture and belongings then our Household and Office Storage in Leicester|Leicestershire is the answer for you

When using our household and office storage in Leicester|Leicestershire your personal belongings will be stored in a maximum security building, with our digital code access to our secured store rooms your belongings will always be safe.

We can not 100% guarantee the security of your belongings, but what we can say is that we will always do our very best to make sure your furniture and belongings are absolutely safe when in our care.

All rooms are top of the range, specially designed individual rooms, that have solid steel walls and mesh fitted ceilings, all the doors to each room is alarmed, while the whole building is closely monitored by 24hr CCTV and intruder alarms.

If you a household and office storage in Leicester you will want to be sure that your belongings arrive at the storage safely. Our removal men can take the stress out of moving your furniture and belongings your self, by coming to your home or office and safely load all your furniture and delicate items into our safe and secure maximum security storage rooms in Leicester.

You could be interested in using our household storage in Leicester for many reasons, you may need to store the following for the following reasons:

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-65″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Just moved to a new home and a few items won’t fit in

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-65″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]May be a family relative has deceased and you need to store the house furniture

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-65″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Canoes, bikes and large furniture taking up the room in your garage

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-65″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Need to store your house or a room at a time (while decorating is in progress)

What ever the reason our fully equipped storage rooms are the perfect solution when storing your furniture and belongings

If you’re a small, large or extra-large business searching for the perfect storage space for your business in Leicester then our secured storage rooms are the ideal and most cost-effective solution for you and your business. You can have piece of mind knowing your business equipment is kept safe in our secure, alarmed rooms and CCTV corridors.

Our removal men can safely wrap and pack all of your expensive office equipment to give them that extra protection they need to be moved safely to our safe and secure storage rooms in Leicester|Leicestershire.

If you are a business you may need extra room to store the following items:

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-106″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Computer Equipment (printers and screen monitors)

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-106″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Documents and Files

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-106″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Excess Stock/Seasonal stock

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-106″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Table and Chairs, Desks, Filing Cabinets

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-106″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Archive Storage

Would like our removal team to collect your items and bring them to our top quality Household and Office Storage in Leicester|LeicestershireContact Us

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