Welcome to our step by step guide and tips on how to make savings when moving home or office

Moving home or office and hiring a professional moving company doesn’t have to be an expensive job, our step by step guide and tips on how to make savings when moving home or office will ensure that you do the right things to cut the cost of moving right down.

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Moving companies usually charge based on the volume of items, furniture and man power needed to complete your move, the size of your move will reflect the actual price you will have to pay. Today MnM Removals will give you the options on how to make savings when moving home or office.

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How to make savings when moving home or office

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]One way of keeping the cost down when moving home or office is to either:

  • Donate old and unwanted items and furniture to your local charities.
  • Pass on unwanted clothing and belongings to friends and family.
  • Have a yard sale to sell all unwanted items, furniture and belongings, which will help to bring in extra money to pay for your move.
  • Place furniture with online websites like Gum tree, Facebook and Ebay

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]We have listed a few items below that you may want to sell, give away or donate to your local charity:

  • Books (that you have not read for many years)
  • Records and CDs (that are all out of season and can easily be replaced)
  • Clothing and shoes (that are old and you will not where again or have not worn for some time)
  • Toys (maybe your children are older and still have unused toys stored in the loft etc)
  • Garden tools ( if moving from large property to a small property you will not need the ride on lawn mower)
  • Fire wood ( which can be bought in your new area)
  • Weight lifting machines (these items can weigh a considerable amount which can increase the price of your move)

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Many people relocating for working purposes can claim back some moving expenses if not all of it through their company.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Be sure to receive at least 3 removal quotes that you can provide to your employer if needed.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Finding cheap good quality boxes can help keep the cost of moving down

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Ask friends and family to help you at home

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]If moving a short distance move a few essentials in the boot of your car

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Move during the beginning of the month and on a Monday or Tuesday which are moving companies least busiest times.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Book your move well in advance, many removal companies offer discounts when customers book in advance.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Be sure that contract have exchange and you have the keys to your new property before the removal men have arrived, this will avoid waiting charges for keys to be released etc.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Be sure you have insurance in place for your move, this can be provided by your moving company.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-44″ size=”16″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]If packing your self be sure every thing is taken down and ready for the movers to move straight out to the removals vehicle. If things are not ready your moving company may charge for this time wasted.

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How To Make Savings When Moving Home or Office

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The best info on how to make savings when moving home or office

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If you are planning on moving home or office in the UK and require our flexible reliable removal services then please get in touch today, and save time and money on your home or office relocation only with MnM Removals the removals company in the UK can rely on.

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