Our house removals company has provided you with a step by step guide and the best tips on how to move and prepare your bird when moving home in Bedworth, Warwickshire
Moving to a new home can be stressful for you and your family, if you are moving home and you have a bird, knowing how to move and prepare your bird when moving home in Bedworth, Warwickshire is essential and can help keep your bird calm during the moving process to your new home.
If you own a bird and are moving home you will have more than just your boxes and materials to worry about as your bird will need to have the correct moving equipment’s and cages to ensure maximum safety for your bird whilst in transit. Birds can be aware of the sudden change in the household and can become stress due to the commotion and excitement of the home during the move. At times people and even children can get stressed over moving home, so it no surprise that the birds can be stressed out to. Getting professional help or the right advice is vital when preparing for your house removal in Bedworth, Warwickshire with your pet bird. If moving your bird out of the country take a visit to the vets so they can take proper measure to ensure your bird does not pick up any viruses whilst in another country, and also to check overall that the birds condition is ok for travel or flight.
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Obtain a Secure Bird Traveling Cage
- If moving to another country purchase a bird carrier cage that meets airline standard regulations
- If moving locally purchase a bird carrier that is big enough to fit into your cars or vehicles
- Choose a bird carrier that will be comfy for the bird
- encourage your bird to get use to being in the bird carrier cage before your move date commences
Get connected with Vets in Your New Area
- Ask your old vets surgery if they have any other branches in your new area
- You vets will be able to provide you with information on finding a vets surgery in your new area
Keep Supplies Aside for your Bird
- Food
- Water
- First aid kit
- Toys
Having the above essentials on hand for your bird during your house removal in Bedworth, Warwickshire will help to keep your bird feeling relaxed and secure whilst in transit to your new.
During the Move
- Older birds tend to be set in their ways and can be more trouble to move than younger ones
- When taking your bird outside cover the bird carrier cage with a blanket as birds are not immune to sudden temperature changes
- If moving your bird and it starts picking at its feathers, this is a sign that the bird is stress and you should seek the vets right away
- give the bird plenty of attention and keep talking to them whilst in the car or vehicles
- If travelling by car with your bird keep a steady temperature in the car at all times
- Keep food and water to hand and feed your bird at the regular time frames
- When having rest periods or opening the cage to feed your bird be careful that the bird does not fly away, approach the slowly and calmly as the may be anxious and nervous from the whole moving experience
- Depending on the size of your bird, having a bird lead around their foot can help you to give your bird some more space and spread its wings for a while
Arriving at your New Home
- Before arriving to your new home organize for a bird-cage to be set up already at your new home, (the bird may feel more comfortable with its own cage)
- Place the bird in a quiet room while the removal men are of loading your furniture into the house
- Spend time with your bird while it is in its cage to reassure it that it is ok
- Place your bird in a similar spot to that of your old home
- Be sure the cage is secure and the bird can not escape
- Be sure all windows are closed until the bird is use to its new surroundings
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If you are moving home with your pet bird, our professional move adviser can provide you with professional help and assistance if you are wondering how to move and prepare your bird when moving home in Bedworth, Warwickshire. When hiring our fast, friendly and very reliable house removals company and team will ensure that your family, furniture, belongings and pet bird have a successful moving experience whether moving Locally Nationwide across the UK or Abroad.
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