Helpful advice for anyone Moving Home following a Divorce or Separation

If you are Moving Home following a Divorce or Separation you will probably already be under a lot of pressure and felling a lot of stress. Follow our helpful hints and advice to make moving home following a divorce or separation a less painful experience.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ align=”left” size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]You’v decided you and your partner are no longer going to be living together and it’s best to part ways. Of course it all depends if either you or your ex-partner will stay in the current house and if there are children involved in the process.  The most important thing to realize is that these processes take time.[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ align=”right” size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]

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Top Tips for Moving Home following a Divorce or Separation

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ size=”32″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]Divide your possessions equally amongst each other. What is the point in having a whole kitchen inventory while you or your ex-partner will be moving into a tiny apartment? Same goes for the bedding, the dvd’s and cd’s, etc. Disagreeing over these “small” things can cause unnecessary stress and will complicate things when moving home following a divorce or separation. What can help is making a list of everything you both own and cross on the list who wants to have what. Only the things that you both want, need to be discussed, the rest divided.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ size=”32″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]It’s not only material things that need sorting. It’s time to get really organised about the paperwork and the money as well. Closing down the mutual bank account should be on the list of things to do and taking you or your ex-partners name of the council tax and utilities bill as well. The same goes for credit cards and other items that involve money. Make sure you also sort out mortgage or rental agreements.

[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ size=”32″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ] If there are children and/or pets involved you will always be involved in each other’s lives. Make clear arrangements about who has the children when and who is involved in picking up, dropping off, bringing to clubs etc. The more transparency in the schedule the easier it is for both to rebuild your lives again after moving home following a divorce or separation.

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ size=”32″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]When you are unable to sort things out between yourselves, then it is worth considering mediation. Mediation is a means of talking to your partner in the presence of an independent professional, a mediator. It should not be confused with counselling or marriage guidance which deal with your emotions and your relationships. If you go to mediation, it assumes that your relationship has broken down and that you both wish to attempt to sort out any disputes you may have regarding your children, your home, finances or legal practicalities. Mediation looks at ways of resolving disputes as a result of your relationship break-up. Mediation is seen as a way of avoiding the court process. It can avoid much stress, time and money when Moving Home following a Divorce or Separation.[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-18″ align=”right” size=”32″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ icon_color_hover=”#f48a00″ ]

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