Moving Home in Leicester and need Home Insurance

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23 Jan, 2015

If you are moving home in Leicester and need home insurance our great advice will help you to get the best deal possible

When you are moving home in Leicester and need home insurance it can get very confusing hearing the many reasons why the various companies out there tell you that you should take cover with them. Our easy to read and helpful guide is packed full of tips to help you get the most for your money.

[iconbox title=”Check you’v got the Best Cover” title_align=”left” content_align=”left” title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”left” type=”image” icon=”search” icon_align_to=”box” size=”32″ ]

  • Premiums – The cost of your insurance premiums will depend on which company you choose to insure you along with your credit score
  • Monthly Payment Plans – Monthly Payment Plans are where the insurer will lend you the annual fee then charge you interest on top of the monthly installments.
  • Building Insurance – Many people make the mistake of over insuring the building. Remember to cover a rebuild not the market value.
  • Contents Insurance – when it comes to contents cover be sure to take note of all of your belongings. This is the cover the majority of people need the most.
  • Door locks – Surprisingly having the right locks on your doors will dramatically save you money on your Home insurance. Do your home work and be prepared to change your locks.
  • Outside Cover – Check that your garden items such as bbqs’, bikes etc are included within your cover
  • Paying excess – Excess is compulsory with all companies, however the more you pay upfront the less your monthly premiums will be.
  • Unemployed – If you are currently unemployed than you should expect to pay more. Where ever possible stating “home maker” will help you a lot more[/iconbox]

moving home in leicester and need home insurance

[iconbox title=”Finding the Best deals” title_align=”left” content_align=”left” title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”left” type=”image” icon=”search” icon_align_to=”box” size=”32″ ]

  • Get quotes in Advance – Most insurance companies will provide quotes that are valid for up to 90 days. Getting quotes 3 months in advance is a great way to secure a price in case the market rises nearer to your renewal.
  • Guarantees to Beat renewals – Many insurers will guarantee to beat other quotes you have had. This can be a bonus however be sure to check that you receive the same level of cover provided by each company.
  • Using your existing insurer – If you apply for insurance from your existing insurer as a new customer you are likely to receive a much cheaper quote.[/iconbox]

[iconbox title=”Take Advantages of Special Deals and Offers” title_align=”left” content_align=”left” title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”left” type=”image” icon=”search” icon_align_to=”box” size=”32″ ]

Many companies will use special offers, deals and discounts to draw you in to using them. Look around for the deals that best suit your needs. A few Companies that currently have deals inc:

   Policy Expert are currently offering £80 M&S vouchers to all customers who take out Building and Contents Insurance. The card is  subject to a 60 day validation period.


Buy Building and Contents insurance from Legal and General before 31st April and receive a £70 M&S voucher. Voucher will arrive within 75 days of cover.

AA Insurers will refund up to £50 if you switch to them and your current provider charges you.


The Co Operative will offer you a 25% online discount when you buy one of their combined building and contents policies.

Direct Line will also offer an online discount of 10% to all new customers. If someone else in your household is an existing customer you can receive additional discounts.

Halifax will give you £50 cash back if you take building or contents cover for a period of 70 days. You also have the option to pay monthly at no extra cost.



 Lloyds Tsb offer a 5% discount when booking on line and £50 cash back when taking a combined policy over the phone.

Take a premier or standard policy from M&S Bank online and they will give you a 20% discount. M&S Cardholders  will also receive 1,000 points for all new policies. mnsss

Buy a combined policy from Nationwide online and receive a 40% discount.

New customers who take out a Natwest policy will only have to pay for 9 months out of 12 and if you want to pay in installments no monthly charges apply.

The Post Office guarantee to beat any renewal quote by £50 for building, contents and some combined policies.




[iconbox title=”Be prepared to haggle” title_align=”left” content_align=”left” title_color=”#000000″ content_color=”#000000″ align=”left” type=”image” icon=”search” icon_align_to=”box” size=”32″ ]

When you are moving home in Leicester and need Home Insurance you will already have many expenses to deal with. Remember that the home insurance market is a very competitive market and companies are often desperate to gain and retain customers. Use this to your advantage and always try to haggle as there is often huge price flexibility. Your first port of call should always be your current insurer.[/iconbox]

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