Great Tips and Advice for families moving home with children in Lincolnshire
Giving children tasks and responsibility will give them control over their situation. Involve them in packing and let them pack up their own toys.Make sure that children’s toys are the last items to be packed onto the van and are therefore easily accessed at the other end.
If possible, let younger children select their own bedrooms. It’s important that they feel comfortable and like their own space.Take your children for a fun day out in the new area and show them local parks, leisure centers, child-friendly restaurants and cinemas.
If you’re moving out of the area, organize a little leaving party. Take photographs of your children’s friends, their current home and favorite places in the neighborhood. You could even help them create a scrapbook. Do make sure they have their friends’ contact details, including telephone numbers and email addresses, so they know they won’t have to lose contact.
Ideally, have friends or relatives look after your children on the day of your house move. If this isn’t possible, keep children in the loop as to what’s happening and give them little tasks to do, such as ensuring all toys are cleared from the house and loaded into the van.For very young children, make sure their highchairs and feeding/changing equipment are to hand so that you can maintain their routine as much as possible.
When moving home with children in Lincolnshire don’t be surprised if your child becomes more clingy after moving to a new house, this is natural. Stick as much as possible to routine around bedtime and meals. Don’t unpack all boxes straight away but make it the main focus to unpack their boxes first, having their room sorted as soon as possible; so they have as many things around them that are familiar will help them settle quicker. It may be a couple of days after your move that it hits your child, this can be when all the fun and chaos have finished and when tears appear so spend time exploring the new area with your child especially parks, swings or walks pointing out all the new exciting things they can do. Local baby or toddler groups are ideal for meeting new mums and finding out about your area.
If you are moving home with children in Lincolnshire you should be aware that children will usually hold onto their things a little bit tighter. Moving is all about change and this often unsettles children. If you have young children always try to pack their room last and when possible unpack their room first at the new home. Let your child pack some of their own toys and let them pick some toys out to keep with them in a bag.
Tips for packing toys when Moving home with children in Lincolnshire
- Remember to drain all water from squirt guns and bath toys.
- Seal paints or any other messy items away into a bag.
- Pack the toys in boxes with brown wrapping paper and fill spaces with towels/clothes.
- Fragile toys can be wrapped in extra bubble wrap.
- Once all items are packed seal the box and let your child write their name on it or maybe even decorate the box

Moving Home with Children in Lincolnshire
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