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Great tips and advice when moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire

Buying a new house? Planning a house removals? Following our moving guide when moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire will help them to make adjusting to a new home a smooth and exciting process.When moving house with your children you will know it can be an incredibly stressful and distressing time for them. After all, they might be leaving their friends, their school and the familiar home that they’v always known.

Involve your children in the move when moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire

When buying a new house and moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire try to keep them involved in the move as much as possible, this will help them to feel that they have some control over the situation. Involve them in the packing, let them pack their own toys and if possible let them choose their own room at the new house as it is important that your children feel comfortable in their own space.Try to take them for a fun day out in the new area before the move to show them the local parks, leisure centres and other child friendly things to do in the area.

Packing children’s toys

If you are planning on moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire you should be aware that children will usually hold onto their things a little bit tighter. Moving is all about change and this often unsettles children. If you have young children always try to pack their room last and when possible unpack their room first at the new home. Let your child pack some of their own toys and let them pick some toys out to keep with them in a bag.

Packing Tips for children’s toys:

  • Remember to drain all water from squirt guns and bath toys.
  • Seal paints or any other messy items away into a bag.
  • Pack the toys in boxes with brown wrapping paper and fill spaces with towels/clothes.
  • Fragile toys can be wrapped in extra bubble wrap.
  • Once all items are packed seal the box and let your child write their name on it or maybe even decorate the box.

Moving Schools

The main worry most parents will have is if their child will settle in and be happy at their new school. Children spend a lot of time at school so it is important that they enjoy their time there. Once you have moved into your new area your child will be eligible for a place at the local school as they are living in the catchment area.

The application process:

  •  Contact your local authority as soon as possible.
  • Select a school and fill in necessary paperwork.
  • Your child’s name will then appear on the waiting list.
  • Once you are offered a place you will have two weeks to accept.
  • It is impossible to predict when you will be offered a place it may be during term time.

Some children may not be worried about moving schools where others may show a range of reactions including signs of stress, this can depend on their age. Since it is more difficult for children to understand and deal with moving schools they may show signs of stress especially if your child is moving school following difficulties such as a divorce or parents splitting up. If you are worried try having a word with their new teacher so that they can keep an eye out. When moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire be honest and ready to answer any questions or concerns your child may have.

For further help and advice when moving house with children in Sutton in Ashfield.

Moving House With Children in Sutton in Ashfield Nottinghamshire

Moving House With Children in Sutton in Ashfield Nottinghamshire
