This guide is all about moving house in Leicestershire with small or large family.

Moving to a new village, town or city in Leicestershire can be overwhelming for the whole family to deal with. Sorting out all that packing. Children having to say there good bye’s can become to much for some kids and families to cope with.

There are so many reasons why you and your family have decided to take the big plunge on to moving to a new home in Leicestershire. For many families the reason is simple, the children have out-grown their old home and now its time for them to have there own separate rooms in stead of sharing bunk beds with brothers and sisters. For other families it may be that you are moving home for work related reasons to a new city from Leicestershire. What ever the reason you are moving, you are going to need a professional house removals company like MnM Removals when you are moving home with the family and preparing for a removal in Leicestershire.

Children are naturally happy and curious individuales they may even feel nervous and scared of leaving their home for the first time for a new one. The best way to combat this is to invovle the children as much as you can with the entire removals from start to end, by getting them involved as much as possible.

Arrange a family meeting

Communication is an important part of the home moving process, this is also the case when moving home with a family in Leicestershire. You will want to arrange for the whole family to get together around the table for meal to discuss the move in more detail and find out what each others ideas are and what every one else in the family really thinks about moving home.

If moving for a promotion to a new job, explain to the children why you are so happy, willing and excited to move homes. Explain the reasons to the family and how making this move will benefit the children and their entire lives for the future. Children, especially older teenage children may feel nervous with moving home and leaving friends, so speaking with the family is essential and will help to make every one feel more at ease with moving to the new home in Leicestershire.

Do your research first

When you and your partner are moving with a large family and preparing for a removals in Leicestershire, you will want to be sure that you have all angles covered. Research your new area. If you have a son that is a star footballer or a dauther that is a dancer or a singer, you may want to put them into schools or hire private tutors and lessons that focuses on their passions and interests. This will help to make your teenagers feel more passionate about making the big move to the new family home.

Another important task to do when moving home is to always take a family day trip down to visit the new home and area first, before you actually move. Visit the schools that your children will attend. Arrange a tour with the headmaster and let the children mix with the other children in their new schools, while you and your partner discuss their future education with the schools head teacher. Sometimes this is what it takes, a nice sunny day out to the new area for teenagers to see the good side to the move.

Also, don’t forget to knock on and greet your new neighbours, as they may have teenage children that your teenagers may become friends and play with. So take the time to start building a relationship with them, as it is always good to have friendly neighborouhs when moving to a new home.

Visit after school clubs, parks, lesuire activities and shops in the area. Show the children all the attractions in new area and what they could be doing to stay busy when moving there.

Assess the situation

You will need to be realistic when thinking about the move. Leaving your area, family, friends, as well as your family home that you have lived in for many many years is a big change and chapter in yours and your families lives. You will need to think hard about the choice you and your family are going to make. Moving with the family is not just about moving home. Its involves a new life, new experiences and a lot of emotional and social work.

Let the children help to pack

Children love to be get involved and help the grown ups when ever they can. Let the children have fun colouring in and decorating their own removal boxes. Let them pack up their own bedroom and belongings in to boxes that they have decorated. The idea is to make the whole process of moving home fun and stress free for them. Children can be more help than you think and will be happy, eager and excited the next day when the packing-up starts again. Don’t let them feel left out, get all the family involved with packing-up the house.

Make it fun

Many children will not see the fun side to moving home. So its important that you do what you can to make it a fun for them. Use the removal boxes as a play house for children. Parents can even buy toys, games and children’s story books about moving home to help keep them interested.

child sad about moving home

On removals day

on the day of your actual move it may be a good idea to arrange for the kids to go out to the park or shops for the day, especially while the move is in full swing. If moving far away or to another city, arrange for the children to leave once the movers arrive. May be you, your partener or a close friend or relative could take them out for a fun day in the new area so they can return to the new home once the movers have arrive and completed.

This will make the whole transition a lot more easier for them to manage. Can you imagine their poor faces when they see the movers carrying their bedroom furniture in to the lorry. So it is best for them and for you if they are looked after while the move goes ahead. This will give you the time you need to get things organized properly with the movers.

Once at the new home

When you and your movers arrive to unload at the new home, it is vital that they get the children’s toys, furniture, equipment and belongings unloaded first. The aim is to get your home ready for them to move and settle straight in to. Be sure the movers set up all the beds and and furniture with in the chidrens rooms first as this will help them to settle easier.

Let the children unpack their own personal boxes. Keep the same bedding and curtains for them, place toys and pictures from the old house on the walls of their new room, as this will make them feel more at home.

Buying new school books, pens, bags, shoes and uniforms for your teenagers will make them feel confident starting their new school for the first time.

If you are moving with family and need a house removal in Leicestershire