Non-Transportable Items we can not transport
Non-transportable items are a significant consideration when moving. These non-transportable items can range from hazardous materials to high-value items such as jewelry. Your belongings that are irreplaceable, such as family photos, sensitive documents are also non-transportable items. It’s important to recognize your belongings that should not be packed and moved to save undue stress or harm that could be caused by transporting them.
MnM has put together a list of examples of non-transportable items you should not pack and transport with the rest of your shipment. As you go through the list, you can appropriately determine how to handle the non-transportable items for your upcoming move. At MnM, we are always keeping your best interest and safety in mind during a move.
The following items are examples of items that moving companies, by law or internal policy, cannot transport.
Hazardous materials such as explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, corrosives and radioactive materials are not allowed for transport.
Common examples include:
- Lighter fluid
- Gasoline
- Fireworks
- Oxygen bottles
- Propane cylinders
- Automotive repair and maintenance chemicals
- Radio-pharmaceuticals
- Matches
Other items not recommended for transport on the van include:
- Firearms
- Prescription drugs needed for immediate use
Transport items of personal importance or sentimental value with you, such as:
- Cash
- Collections (i.e., coins)
- Family photos
- Important personal papers (i.e., deeds, wills)
- Negotiable papers (i.e., bonds, stocks, certificates)
- Jewelry
- Moving documents
Take these non-transportable items into consideration when preparing for your move. Not only are the hazardous materials dangerous to your movers’ and drivers’ safety, but they are also things that can be easily purchased again at your new residence. It’s best to keep your high-value items with you at all times during a move, as most of these belongings are expensive and/or irreplaceable. It’s recommended not to transport food if you don’t have to, and prescription drugs are best kept on your persons. With MnM’s tips on non-transportable items, you and your removal men will have a safer relocation experience.