Tips for the best way of Packing Bathroom Toiletries when Moving Home in Lutterworth, Leicestershire

If you are wondering what is the best way of packing bathroom toiletries when moving home in Lutterworth then our tips should help to keep your bathroom packing, moving and unpacking as clean and organized as possible.

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When it comes to packing bathroom toiletries when moving home in Lutterworth you will find it is not much different from other rooms. You’ll find you have way more stuff than you thought, a lot of which will not need to go with you.

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-301″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Sorting your Toiletries:[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-301″ align=”right” size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]

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The first step, as with all packing, is to sort. Separate and place all like items together, except all of the products that you use on a daily basis.Once your bathroom supplies are separated, throw away any empty or half used containers. If you have duplicate products that are partially used, try to combine them into one container.Unless it is your all time favorite shampoo, there really is no reason to hang on to things that will only take up space and add extra weight to boxes.Dried up soap bars, old razors, and empty bottles of hair color take up a lot of space under the sink and in the drawers. None of that needs to be taken with you when moving home in Lutterworth.

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[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-301″ size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]Packing Toiletries:[icon type=”vector” icon=”momizat-icon-301″ align=”right” size=”24″ icon_color=”#f48a00″ ]

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All of those bottles need to be secured. That means that you’ve reduced the possibility of a lid popping open and dumping its contents in the box.There are many ways to do this but using large sandwich bags will do a great job.You can put each bottle in a bag or you can put similar items into the same bag (shampoos in one bag, conditioners in another). Put your most expensive or favorite items into their own bag.

Bathroom Breakables:  Packing breakables such as glass bottles, vases or mirrors, wrap these in either a towel or a hand towel. However, no more than two glass bottles should be wrapped in one full sized towel. Vases should be wrapped and packed individually like other vases, with newspaper stuffed inside. A hand mirror may be slid in between the folds of a towel but a standing mirror should be wrapped in its own.

Medicine: Any type of medicines should go into their own bag. It could be dangerous packing different medicines together in the same bag. It is easier and safer to avoid potential medicine cross-contamination or leaks.

Cleaning Supplies: All bathroom cleaning supplies must go into their own moving box. These products should never be packed in with your other toiletries. 

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Whatever products you have, the weight of these items is often deceiving . While on their own, they are light. When there’s a lot in one box, they get to be heavy. Fast. Too many bath items in one box might become too heavy for it to hold. And if the bottom of the box hasn’t been secured enough with tape you’ll have to repack that box the moment you pick it up. It’s better to use multiple smaller boxes instead of over-packing a larger one. If you find yourself with more room in the box, throw in a couple of wash cloths or a towel. This will weigh the bottles down, which will help to reduce the amount of shift during your move in Lutterworth.

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