Settling children after moving house in Kettering Northamptonshire

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19 Apr, 2015

Practical advice on Settling children after moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire

We often underestimate just how hard settling children after moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire can be. This is why we have put together some great tips and advice to ensure your children settle into their new home as quickly as possible.

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Before your Move

Surprisingly settling children into their new home starts before you move. Discuss the move well in advance with all of your children who are old enough to understand. Be ready to listen and  and answer any questions that your child / children may have. Try to involve your children in the move as much as possible. A few great ideas on how to involve your children include: 

  • Encourage your children to pack their own toys
  • Let your children decorate their removal boxes

  • Allow your children to choose their new room
  • Visit the new house and area as much as possible

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The day you move 

On the day of your home removal you may wish to have toddlers and younger children away at a friend or relatives house for the day. The chaos and the sight of strange removal men handling and moving all of your possessions can be very upsetting for smaller children who may not fully understand what is going on. On the other hand it is a good idea to involve older children and teenagers as much as possible on moving day. This will help them to feel a part of the move, making the whole process a lot more familiar and comforting to them.  

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After the move 

Settling children after moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire can be  a difficult task. Not all children will be affected by the move. If you have more than one child you may find that only one of your children will struggle to cope. Some of the tell tale signs that your child may be finding moving to a new home difficult could include:

  • Sleep patterns may change
  • May start to wet the bed

  • May become over emotional / upset
  • Bad behavior may worsen

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How you can help when Settling children after moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire

Before you move to your new home try to visit your new area as much as possible, visit places of interest to your child including: parks, cinemas and local playgrounds etc. This will help them become familiar with the area therefore making them more comfortable.

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Children are scared of the unknown so changing schools when moving house can be a very daunting experience. Whenever possible arrange for your child to spend as much time as they can at their new school before the move. Discuss the transition with them and take on bored and address any concerns that they may have. After all children spend most of their day at school and need to feel contented.

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Allowing your child to choose new furniture and even design their new bedroom will give them some confidence as well as take their mind off things. With older children and teenagers you could let them help with the decorating to keep them involved.

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One of the most important things when Settling children after moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire is to stick to a usual routine, especially with toddlers and younger children. Moving can be very confusing for younger age groups, by keeping their same routine they are familiar with should help them settle in a lot quicker.

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Settling children after moving house

If you are moving house in Kettering, Northamptonshire


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