St Neots home relocation service
Moving home is stressful enough as it is so when choosing your home removals company in St Neots be sure that they have the experience and qualities to carry out such a move in the first place, by using our moving home guide and checklist you will have peace of mind that you are doing the right things to help your house removal be a success.
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]4 Weeks Prior to your Move
- Notify your current land lord and agents that you will be moving out
- Arrange and book for a removal company to complete your move
- Arrange for your mail to be redirected to your new home address
- Notify utility suppliers of your new home address and when you will be moving in to your new home
- Set up Broadband, Telephone, T,V Licence, Bank, DVLA and other connections at your new home
- Pass on old unused and unwanted belongs and furniture to friends and family or sell at a car boot, which will help pay towards your move
- If packing yourself gather as many moving boxes and packaging materials that you think you’ll need to pack your home
- If ordering new furniture have it delivered to your new home after you have moved in
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]3 Weeks Prior to your Move
- Ask friends and family to look after the kids for the day while your move is in process
- If moving locally and with pets ask friends and family if they will take the pets for the day while your move is underway
- Arrange for a cleaning company to clean your home after the removal men have gone to off load at your new home address (we can help you with this)
- Take out content insurance for the safety of your goods and for peace of mind
- Minimise the amount of food you buy and don’t fill the fridge on the run up to your removal
- Get a sketched scheduled plan of your new home and decide where you would like the removal men to place your furniture in your new home
- Dismantle all bulky items in your home that will not fit through the door and that you want to take to your new home (we can help you with this)
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]2 Weeks Prior to your Move
- Dispose of petrol and flammable liquids prior to the move
- Inform friends and family of your new address
- Cancel and return library books, magazines, milk men etc
- Organize proper tubing for your plants to be transported
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]1 Weeks Prior to your Move
- Drain fuel from lawnmowers and garden equipment
- Defrost freezer (if nessassary)
- Dismantle and take down curtains, blinds, pictures and mirrors
- Disconnect washing machine, fridge freezer and cooker (we can help you with this)
- Pack a box of with your over night must haves ie kettle, towels munchies, light bulbs or baby essentials
- Contact removals company to confirm again what time they will arrive
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[icon icon=”info” size=”small” style=”simple” shape=”inherit” text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#f48a00″]Removal Day
- Have your money, cheque book, car keys on you at all times
- Make sure you keep all Cash, Jewelry or any other valuable items on your person in your hand luggage.
- Take meter readings to giveto your new suppliers
- Check you have disconnected all supplies to the property.
- Check all windows are closed and locked
- Label keys for the new owners
- Hand in your old keys to the appropriate agants
- Relax and lets us do the work