
I just moved to a new city and I’m looking to make friends. Can you suggest some fun activities that will help me do that?

Absolutely! Moving to a new city can be both exciting and challenging, but engaging in various activities can help you meet new people and build friendships. Here are some fun and effective ways to make friends in your new city:

  1. Join Local Clubs or Groups:
    • Hobby Clubs: Look for clubs that match your interests, such as book clubs, hiking groups, or knitting circles.
    • Sports Teams: Many cities have recreational leagues for soccer, basketball, or ultimate frisbee.
    • Fitness Classes: Yoga, pilates, and dance classes are great ways to meet people while staying active.
  2. Volunteer:
    • Find local volunteer opportunities with organisations that resonate with you. Volunteering is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and give back to the community.
  3. Attend Meetups:
    • Use platforms like to find gatherings based on shared interests. Whether it’s tech talks, language exchanges, or board game nights, there’s usually something for everyone.
  4. Take a Class:
    • Enroll in a class that interests you, such as cooking, photography, or a new language. This not only helps you learn something new but also connects you with people who share similar interests.
  5. Join a Co-working Space:
    • If you work remotely, co-working spaces can be a great place to meet other professionals. Many spaces also host social events and networking opportunities.
  6. Attend Local Events and Festivals:
    • Keep an eye on local event calendars for festivals, fairs, and community events. These are great opportunities to mingle and meet new people.
  7. Visit Cafes and Libraries:
    • Frequent local cafes and libraries where you can strike up conversations with regulars. Many libraries also host events and workshops.
  8. Get Involved in Your Neighbourhood:
    • Attend neighbourhood association meetings or block parties. Getting to know your neighbours can lead to lasting friendships.
  9. Use Social Media and Apps:
    • Platforms like Facebook have groups for local events and interests. Apps like Bumble BFF or Friender can help you connect with new friends.
  10. Explore Your City:
    • Go on city tours, visit museums, or check out local landmarks. You might meet fellow explorers and tourists along the way.
  11. Participate in Faith-Based Activities:
    • If you are religious or spiritual, attending services or joining a faith-based group can be a good way to meet people with shared values.
  12. Engage in Outdoor Activities:
    • Join local outdoor groups for activities like cycling, rock climbing, or kayaking. Many cities have clubs dedicated to various outdoor pursuits.

Remember, making friends takes time and effort. Be open, approachable, and proactive in initiating conversations and invitations. Good luck, and enjoy your new city!