Need Help Moving Home or Office in Leicester and Leicestershire?

Moving can be a stressful and time-consuming process, whether it’s for your home or office. However, with the right removal company, the transition can be smooth and hassle-free. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the moving process in Leicester and Leicestershire:

1. Choosing the Right Removal Company

MNM Removals is a highly recommended choice in Leicester and Leicestershire. Here’s why:

  • Comprehensive Services: They offer residential and commercial moving services, including packing, unpacking, and secure storage solutions.
  • Professional Team: Their team is trained, experienced, and dedicated to providing excellent service.
  • Affordable Pricing: MNM Removals is known for competitive pricing and transparent quotes with no hidden fees.
  • Customer Focused: They tailor their services to meet individual needs, ensuring a personalised and stress-free experience.

2. Planning Your Move

  • Schedule Early: Book your removal company as early as possible to secure your preferred moving date.
  • Declutter: Go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or dispose of. This will reduce the volume of items to move and potentially lower costs.
  • Create a Moving Checklist: List all tasks that need to be done before, during, and after the move. This helps keep you organised and on track.

3. Packing Tips

  • Start Early: Begin packing non-essential items well in advance.
  • Label Boxes: Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to.
  • Pack Essentials Separately: Keep a separate box of essentials that you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new location.

4. On Moving Day

  • Supervise the Move: Be present to oversee the loading and unloading process. Ensure all items are handled with care.
  • Final Walkthrough: Do a last check of your old home or office to make sure nothing is left behind.
  • Unpack Systematically: Start with essential rooms like the kitchen and bedrooms. Unpack methodically to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

5. Settling In

  • Set Up Utilities: Ensure all utilities (electricity, gas, water, internet) are set up and functioning in your new home or office.
  • Update Address: Notify relevant parties (banks, insurance companies, HMRC, DVLA) of your new address.
  • Explore Your New Area: Take some time to familiarise yourself with your new neighbourhood or business location.

6. Post-Move Tips

  • Inspect Your New Place: Check for any damages or issues that need addressing immediately.
  • Meet Neighbours or Local Businesses: Introduce yourself to your new neighbours or local businesses to build a sense of community.
  • Organise Gradually: Take your time to settle in and Organise your new space effectively.


Moving within Leicester and Leicestershire doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By choosing a reliable removal company like MNM Removals and following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and efficient relocation. Whether you’re moving your home or office, proper planning and organisation are key to a successful move.